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#2: "Cold Outreach Is Dead, Here’s What’s Next" with Andreas Pattichis

From Queer Advocacy to Strategic Networking: The Power of Referrals and Authentic Connections in B2B Sales.

Guest: Andreas Pattichis, Design Director and Partner at Hellon, has made a significant mark in the world of service design. With over six years at Hellon and experience with clients like Vodafone, HSBC, and Volkswagen, Andreas combines a global perspective with a personal passion for diversity and inclusion. As a queer experience advocate, Andreas brings unique insights into how empathy and representation play a role in innovation and business success.


queer experience, advocacy, client acquisition, cold outreach, networking, referrals, service design, community engagement, empathy, professional growth


In this conversation, Andreas Patichis discusses his role as a queer experience advocate and the importance of empathy in understanding diverse perspectives. He shares insights on client acquisition strategies, emphasizing the effectiveness of referrals over cold outreach. The discussion also covers the evolution of networking, the significance of community engagement, and the psychology behind asking for referrals. Andreas highlights the importance of genuine connections and the mutual benefits of helping others in professional settings, concluding with thoughts on motivating individuals to give referrals and the value of closing the loop on these connections.


00:00 Understanding Queer Experience Advocacy

02:48 Navigating Client Acquisition Strategies

05:33 The Evolution of Cold Outreach

08:23 Building Relationships Through Community Engagement

11:16 The Role of Networking in Professional Growth

14:03 Leveraging Service Design Network

17:11 The Importance of Referrals in Business

20:56 The Psychology of Asking for Referrals

24:31 The Dynamics of Genuine Connections

28:17 Motivating Others to Give Referrals

31:57 Closing the Loop on Referrals

35:43 Final Thoughts and Future Directions


  • Being part of a minority can enhance empathy.

  • Referrals are crucial for client acquisition.

  • Cold outreach is often less effective than referrals.

  • Networking is essential for professional growth.

  • Community engagement opens doors to new opportunities.

  • Service design networks provide valuable connections.

  • Work quality often leads to organic referrals.

  • Building genuine relationships is key to success.

  • Motivation to give referrals can be intrinsic or extrinsic.

  • Closing the loop on referrals enhances trust and connection.

10 AI-Reimagined Questions and Bold Answers on Navigating High-Ticket Sales and Genuine Connections

1. Cold outreach sounds exhausting. Do you think it’s even worth trying anymore?

Honestly, I think cold outreach has become almost a waste of time for high-ticket services. It’s like shouting into a void. We tried it, but in the end, the return on investment was minuscule. Referrals, on the other hand, are gold. People want trust, not just another name in their inbox. In today’s saturated market, relationships are your lifeline—cold outreach is dead.

2. What’s the real reason behind emphasizing "queer experience advocate" on your profile? Isn’t that risky for business?

Some might say it’s risky, but for me, it’s non-negotiable. If I don’t speak up about underrepresented voices, then who will? In business, people want authentic connections. By being open about my identity and advocating for the queer community, I’ve actually attracted more opportunities. Clients are drawn to those who stand for something real—being unapologetically myself has opened more doors than staying silent ever could.

3. Do you think most people are just too scared to ask for referrals? What holds them back?

Fear drives a lot of it, no question. There’s this strange stigma around asking for referrals, like it makes you look desperate. But here’s the truth: if you don’t ask, you don’t get. People are too afraid of rejection, but I’ve found that if you approach it right—keeping it human, building real relationships—you won’t just get referrals, you’ll get loyalty. The hesitation is more about insecurity than anything else.

4. So you’ve reduced efforts on cold outreach. What exactly are you doing instead to keep the business flowing?

We focus on keeping the fire alive with existing clients. It’s not rocket science—just simple human connection. WhatsApp messages, quick calls, casual coffee meet-ups—these small actions rejuvenate relationships. I’ve found that people don’t want to feel sold to, they want to feel valued. It’s about staying relevant and showing you care, without the hard sell.

5. It seems like professional networks can be a bit of a grind. How have you managed to turn something like the Service Design Network into a goldmine for referrals?

My motivation for joining the Service Design Network was never about playing the long game to get referrals. I joined purely out of my passion for the discipline and a genuine interest in helping others. I organized events, connected people, and built relationships because I loved being involved. The networking and referrals happened organically, almost by accident. For me, it’s about having authentic, friendly networks where referrals are just part of helping each other out when needed.

6. You mentioned empathy being a key driver in service design. Is it really something you can leverage for better business results?

Empathy isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a game-changer. We’re talking about high-ticket clients with complex challenges, and they need someone who gets it, someone who sees the human behind the problem. I’ve found that empathy builds the kind of trust that cold outreach could never achieve. Clients come to us because we connect on a human level first, business second. That’s where the real magic happens.

7. How do you navigate being both personal and professional without crossing any lines?

I don’t believe in drawing hard lines between the two. In fact, I think that whole notion is outdated. People crave authenticity, and they can smell corporate phoniness from a mile away. With Hellon, we make it clear—whether we’re discussing personal passions or professional goals, it’s all part of the same relationship. That’s what makes us stand out. You can’t fake connection.

8. Some say the consulting market is oversaturated. Do you think most agencies are doomed if they don’t change?

Not necessarily. Some agencies thrive by sticking to their niche and delivering consistently without drastic change. However, what’s expected of agencies today is to stay on top of trends, leverage their industry connections, and keep a pulse on what's happening around them. It’s not always about being the loudest in the room—sometimes it’s about observing and learning. Success lies in finding the right balance between adapting to new realities and staying true to your strengths.

9. Is there any downside to relying so heavily on referrals?

If there’s a downside, it’s that referrals take time and patience. It’s not a quick win. But I’d argue that’s exactly why they’re more valuable. You’re not playing the short game here—you’re building a foundation that lasts. Referrals are worth the wait because they come with trust baked in. Once you’ve built that, the doors keep opening.

10. You talk about referrals like they’re the holy grail. Is there really no place for cold outreach anymore?

Look, I won’t say cold outreach is entirely useless—it has its place for smaller, low-stakes deals. But for high-ticket B2B? Forget it. We’ve seen firsthand how the trust factor in referrals leads to longer-term, higher-value clients. Why waste time convincing strangers when you could focus on nurturing relationships that already have built-in trust? That’s the real holy grail.

Boost Your Positioning with Hellon & Join the Queer Experience Alliance

  • Hellon is all about helping its clients to improve their positioning in the market and increase genuine loyalty and advocacy by their customers. If you need help with amplifying your customer experience, or a 3rd party to give you a fresh perspective, feel free to reach out to Andreas and [andy AT hellon DOT com]

  • Furthermore, Andreas’ Queer Experience Alliance will have its resurgence in the coming months and we are looking for more allies, both in and outside of the queer community. If you wish to learn more about the alliance, or even join, feel free to reach out to Andreas directly on LinkedIn 

Rebuild Your Trusted Network: Unlock Genuine Referrals with Inguro

If you're a High-Ticket B2B Service Provider, your network is your lifeline. 6 out of 10 service providers rely solely on referrals to survive. LinkedIn used to be a trusted network, but now it's flooded with random connections, and your 2nd-degree contacts aren’t genuine. Even within your professional group, it’s hard to know which prospects are truly connected to your peers. Inguro brings back genuine networking by letting you validate real connections with your trusted partners. Rebuild your trusted network and get better referrals—try Inguro today for free!


Vyacheslav Ladischenski, CEO of Inguro, has a background in Media Informatics and experience working with companies like Dell, IBM, PwC, and Credit Suisse. His focus is on helping entrepreneurs build trust and credibility in their networks, using practical strategies that improve cooperation and networking success.

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